Blog, News and Updates

  • Sudan’s 2023/2024 conflict: the impact on emergency care 

    Written by Dr Zenira Elbasheer, ST4 Emergency Medicine, North West deanery Edited by Anisa Jafar & Ahmed E O  Ali Since 15th April 2023, when intense fighting suddenly broke out in the capital Khartoum and later spread to other states, Sudan has become one of the most urgent healthcare emergencies. The country… read more

  • Providing emergency care in Gaza in the winter of 2023

    Written by Dr Chris Hook, Emergency Physician, Bristol Royal Infirmary Edited by Silas Webb & Charlotte Nichols Trigger warning – this post contains descriptions of injuries and fatalities which some readers may find especially difficult to read  Dr Chris Hook is a Bristol-based emergency and pre-hospital medicine doctor. He recently … read more

  • Gaza: the emergency care voice rescued from a sea of politics

    Written & edited by Anisa Jafar, James Chan, Joanna Quinn, Erin Hamill & Angharad Spencer-Matewere Emergency care practitioners are known for creating order from chaos, being pragmatic amidst difficult circumstances, advocating for patients and being bold when others cannot.  We are proud to treat without judgment, cut through the noise… read more

  • The Bristol-Nanyuki partnership: “those who sim together, win together”

    Written by Dr Olivia Duffy, Global EM Fellow, Bristol Royal Infirmary Edited by Anisa Jafar & Frankie Cackett Photo credits: Dr Olivia Duffy and Mr Mwangi Ishmael, shared with participant consent In summer 2023 my role as global health fellow in emergency medicine at the Bristol Royal Infirmary saw me spending 6… read more

  • Climate change and global health

    Written by Dr Angharad Spencer-Matewere, EM consultant at Stockport NHS Foundation Trust Edited by Anisa Jafar Climate change might not be the first topic that comes to mind when thinking of global health.   However, looking no further than the 2022 floods in Pakistan, the devastating 2023 cyclone that hit Malawi and ongoing drought in East… read more

  • Adult Emergency Care Project – Sierra Leone

    Written by Dr Zosia Bredow Edited by Anisa Jafar & Gabrielle Prager Dr Zosia Bredow Sierra Leone has some of the worst health outcomes in the world. It is 181 out of 189 countries on the UN’s Human Development Index, and life expectancy at birth in 2021 was 60.1 years (global:… read more